Friday, July 13, 2012



Energy, Heart Health, DNA Synthesis and More B Vitamins Are Essential For Good Health.

Are you getting enough B Vitamins? Everyday stress, alcohol and some prescription drugs can increase the risk of depleting your B-Vitamins stores. The B-Vitamins are vital for proper bodily function from heart health to DNA synthesis to stress management to energy metabolism. The most recent research suggests B Vitamins could have possible role  in supporting eye and respiratory health. Being deficient in B Vitamins can severely hinder your bady's performance.

Perfect Balance, Perfect B
Shaklee B-Complex offers a perfect balance of all eight B Vitamins to fortify your body, filling in nutritional B-Vitamin gaps to help power heart, lungs and other essential organs.

Patented Bioactivated Absorption System
B-Complex has a patented nutrient delivery system and is available in an easy to swallow tablet. Folic acid is critical B Vitamin that helps produce and maintain new cells. Supplemental folic acid is not easily absorbed by the body so shaklee has earned a patent on its unique Bioactivated Absorption System that allows this important B vitamin to be much more accessible and more bioavailable.

The Shaklee Difference
A Perfect B

  • Patented Bioactivated Absorption System.Supplemental folic acid, acritical B vitamin, isn't easily absorbed, so Shaklee developed a unique folic acid coating that  makes the nutrient more accessible and bioavailable. This patented technology is a Shaklee exclusive.
  • Easy to swallow tablet.
  • All eight essential B vitamins, including 100% of the Daily value of biotin.

Sustained Release Vita-CTM 500mg

Sustained Release Vita-CTM 500mg

All Natural Vitamin C Delivered Hour After Hour

Your body is capable of many things, but it can't make or store Vitamin C. Shaklee Sustained Release Vita-C offers sustained-release protection hour after hour, using a proprietary sustained-release system. The "do everything" nutrient, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Sustained Release Vita-C provides:

  • High potency Vitamin C.
  • A proprietary sustained-release system that delivers the vitamin C equivalent of one and a half oranges every hour for five hours.
  • A formula that helps maintain natural antioxidant defenses, cell integrity, and the health of eyes, teeth, gums, bones, muscles and blood vessels.

*this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.



Multi yang hebat
Makanan tambahan yang seimbang dan paling komprehensif di dalam sains Shaklee yang mampu dimiliki. Vita-Lea diformulasikan khusus dengan 28 vitamin dan mineral penting yang diperlukan oleh orang dewasa.

Penggunaan Harian, Vita Lea boleh:

  • Meningkatkan kesihatan secara menyeluruh
  • Menyokong jangka hayat, usus dan mata
  • Meningkatkan kekuatan tulang dan sistem imunisasi
  • Memberikan perlindungan menentang kerosakan radikal bebas


Kemajuan saintifik
  • Disokong oleh tujuh kajian klinikal
Mengandungi sistem penyerapan bioaktif
  • Teknologi salutan mikro membantu dalam pembebasan segera di dalam perut untuk meningkatkan penyerapan asid folik dan vitamin B penting yang membantu menghasilkan dan memelihara sel-sel baru.
Kualiti yang luar biasa
  • Lebih daripada 340 ujian kualiti dilakukan setiap kali Vita-Lea dihasilkan
Vitamin D - Menyokong penyerapan kalsium untuk tulang dan gigi yang sihat.
Beta Karotena - Meningkatkan kesihatan mata, kulit dan sistem imunisasi.
Vitamin E - Menyokong kesihatan sekular dan meningkatkan kesihatan hati, usus dan fungsi imunisasi
Kalsium - Menyokong kekuatan tulang, pengaliran urat saraf dan otot-otot.
Boron - Membantu dalam metabolisma Vitamin D dan mineral yang terbabit dalam perkembangan tulang.
Magnasium - Menyokong kekuatan tulang, fungsi otot dan membantu dalam mengekalkan tekanan darah normal dan denyutan jantung.
Biotin - Membantu badan menghasilkan tenaga dari protein dan lemak.
Lain-lain - Tidak mengandungi perisa tiruan, pemanis, warna dan bahan pengawet.

* Produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnos merawat, menyembuh atau mencegah sebarang jenis penyakit.

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